Tag Management System
tag management system

tag management system

Choosing the GCP solution for the endpoint Step 3: Creating the Google Cloud Platform endpoint The Additional Tag Metadata setting Setup your tags in minutes. What we’ll build: The Google Tag Manager MonitorIn January 2020, discover eXtendable Tag Manager, the ultimate Web Analytics Management System.

Parsing BigQuery raw data into a viewSubscribe to the Simmer newsletter to get the latest news and content from Simo Ahava into your email inbox!Mark Edmondson is a former colleague of mine, a fellow Google Developer Expert for Google Analytics, and the owner of one of the most versatile skill sets in our industry. Update the Google Tag Manager Monitor tag Create and deploy the Cloud Function Technology of choice: Cloud Functions

Tag Management System Full Of Great

Why do we need a monitor?There aren’t that many ways to monitor the consistency of tags firing in your containers. This data will be sent by way of a new Google Tag Manager custom template, and it will comprise statistics of all the tags that have fired on your site for any given dataLayer event.In this proof-of-concept, the metadata collected from each dataLayer event includes:Event name and timestamp (to uniquely distinguish events with the same name from each other).Tag ID, name, firing status, and execution time for every tag that fired for that event (or null if no tags fired for the event).It’s extremely easy to extend this solution to include things like Container ID or tag categorization information - we’ll explore these later in the guide. What we’ll build: The Google Tag Manager MonitorThe key deliverable of this little project is a BigQuery view that collects data from your website. So I’ll just wrap up this introduction by making it clear how grateful I am for his contributions not just to this article but to our whole industry. He’s the author of the popular googleAnalyticsR library for R, and his blog is full of great walkthroughs for data engineering, data science, web analytics, and software development.Being one of the most humble people I’ve met, he’s probably royally embarrassed by this introduction.

Tag Management System Code Is The

This is basically the same thing as the eventCallback of Google Tag Manager, just wrapped in a template API.Const addEventCallback = require( 'addEventCallback') Const readFromDataLayer = require( 'copyFromDataLayer') Const getTimestamp = require( 'getTimestamp') // Get the dataLayer event that triggered the tagConst event = readFromDataLayer( 'event') // Add a timestamp to separate events named the same way from each otherConst batchHits = data.batchHits = 'yes' // Utility for splitting an array into multiple arrays of given size// Filter out tags that have the "exclude" metadata set to trueConst tags = eventData.tags.filter(t => t.exclude != 'true') // If batching is enabled, split the tags into batches of the given sizeConst batches = batchHits ? splitToBatches(tags, maxTags) : // For each batch, build a payload and dispatch to the endpoint as a GET requestLet payload = '?eventName=' + event + '&eventTimestamp=' + eventTimestamp SendPixel(endPoint + payload, null, null) // After adding the callback, signal tag completionThe functionally most significant part of this code is the addEventCallback() method. Step 1: Build the custom templateThe custom tag template will create a callback that is called every time a dataLayer event reaches conclusion. Even though there are ways to tackle this problem as well, we’ll try to keep things at an MVP (minimum viable product) level, and you can then extend the solution to fit your more elaborate needs. It’s not failsafe, either, since if the data collection fails due to a network outage, the collection to GCP would fail, too. The side effect in this case is the addEventCallback API, and its purpose is to collect metadata about the data collection preferably to an endpoint that is separated from the tags that are being monitored.Why have a separate endpoint for monitoring? Well, it wouldn’t really make sense to collect data about Google Analytics’ data collection in Google Analytics itself (a custom reporting property, for example), because if the analytics data collection fails due to not being able to connect to the GA endpoint, then the monitoring data collection would fail as well.That is why this article utilizes an endpoint in the Google Cloud Platform to collect the data. A broken filter in Google Analytics).In other words, if you want to be alerted to issues in data collection, the best way to do this is to monitor the data collection itself.For this to be possible, the data collection mechanism requires the possibility to introduce a side effect.

Tag Management System Update The Payload

PermissionsIf you’ve added the code into the code editor without errors, you should see three permissions predefined in the Permissions tab.You can add additional metadata too, such as category or type of tag.Just remember that the solution as established in this article only makes use of the tag name and exclude metadata keys. Just update the payload += concatenation with each additional metadata key you want to access from the tags. For example, a dataLayer event named gtm.js that fired two tags might have the following payload: ?eventName=gtm.jsThis is then joined with the endpoint URL, and a GET request is dispatched.This is the payload that is captured by the endpoint in the Google Cloud, which Mark will show later how to create.It’s easy to extend this with additional metadata. For some, it might make sense to exclude the monitoring tag itself from being monitored, even though there might be value in measuring its execution time along with all the other tags’.By far the most significant code is run when the payload is built:Here, every tag that fired on the event is parsed and concatenated into a URL query string payload. All tags have signalled completion), the callback function will execute with data about each of the tags that fired on the event.There’s a provision in place to exclude any tags from the monitoring based on a tag metadata field you can set (more on this below).

The monitor tag should have a Custom Event trigger that fires it for every single dataLayer event. Or, at the very least, flip the checkbox around and require it to be checked if you want to exclude the tag name from the tag’s metadata.At this point, you should have your monitor tag with almost all the settings in place, and you should have now edited all your tags to include the tag name. Remember to set the key name to name as well.Hopefully, the tag name would be automatically included as a metadata in the future - it seems like a sensible feature to have always on. The tag name is easier to interpret than the tag ID when building your reports and visualizations.For each tag, expand the Advanced Settings and check the Include tag name checkbox under Additional Tag Metadata. Update all your tagsThe last thing you’ll need to do in GTM (apart from updating the endpoint URL of the monitor tag when you have one), is to update every single one of your tags to include the tag name metadata.

tag management system